HAIR // Grey Hair, Don't Care!

grey aliexpress wig WOC black woman discoveriesofself black girl nc50 grey ombre hair
So I've gone grey!
Well not for good - temporarily.
I've been wanting grey hair since I saw the ever so gorgeous Dascha Polanco rocking a grey do of her own.
Cue weeks of researching how to achieve the colour, there were various methods that involved a tonne of bleach and/or toners and whatnot which I just could not be bothered to deal with and so the dream died.
Then one day I came across a video on YouTube regarding a grey hair off Ali Express and the rest was history!
If you want to see how I got this do and more info, click on the video above!
Why not go grey for Summer, you'll love it, I promise you!
Natalie x


  1. You look very beautiful my dear.I also love trying new things.

  2. I've been loving the grey trend, looks great on you!!

  3. Ahhh You look so amazing! I really need to learn how to make a lace wig because I do not want to be paying someone £100 just to make one for me.

    1. Thanks Steph! It took me a few hours of YouTube watching to learn but once you do it, its soooo worth it! Either that or you can just order cheaper synthetic ones like I did with this wig!

  4. I love it. I've been wanting to achieve this look for the longest.

    1. Thanks Ronitra, this is definitely the quicker and easier way of going about it!

  5. Love it! You look so great with this style!!! :)

    Sheer Beauty Blog


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